Thursday, 6 August 2020

How do banks work

How do banks work

Banks are a big place that are highly secured to protect your money from robbers. If there is a hacker, the bank could lose like $1,000,0000. All of that will be gone if there was a Good hacker the money will Be at $0 And your money will be gone. the banks will be shut down because they can’t pay back the people that put there money in there bank

P1: Banks are not bad they are good to put money in like if you lost A $100 dollars note you could Put it in the bank because it will be in a secure are a that no one can go in but only you can get your money. And banks can get you stuff if you transfer your money to a bank The bank will transfer the money to another    person then you'll get 10 more dollars from the person and the bank will give your money back to you if you want to have it back and you’ll have More money on your dollar so you can buy something what  you want to get. So that's why I think Banks are helpful.


 1000 years ago Banks where it was different you had to trade something to get the thing you want. Then someone came and Showed everyone what  money is So he gave people $50 dollars to everyone so they can spend things with their $50 dollars then everyone got kinda  used to Money and some people banked their money  to the person that showed what money is. they put their money in So there money couldn't get stolen From robbers Or other people. Everyone liked the money Some people bought pies and Chocolate  And more But some people didn’t Like money They like to trade stuff Because it was better But some other people money is better Because getting and gathering stuff Was the key of trading stuff For other people's opinions.                                                   

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